How I Replaced My Broken Garage Door Torsion Springs
Waking up one morning to discover your garage door won’t budge is never fun. That’s exactly what happened to me last month when both of the torsion springs on my garage door finally gave out after years of use. As any homeowner knows, calling a garage door pro can cost a pretty penny, often in the $300-500 range just for a basic spring replacement job. Determined not to drop that kind of cash, I decided to try replacing the springs myself. Here’s how my DIY torsion spring replacement project went down.
The first step was watching every YouTube video I could find on the torsion spring replacement process to familiarize myself with the steps involved. I wanted to fully understand the safety risks before attempting anything. Garage door springs under heavy tension can cause serious injury if they slip or break during installation. After gaining confidence in my understanding, I gathered all the necessary tools – a spring pulling tool, cable drum holders, threaded rods, goggles, work gloves and a few other basics.
Torsion springs sit horizontally above the garage door, using coiled tension to help lift and balance the door. They can be as long as 8 feet each! My biggest fear was not having the strength to remove the old springs still under tension. Using the spring pulling tool from both sides, I was able to safely wind each spring counter-clockwise to remove the tension gradually. From there, removing and replacing the drums and end bearings went smoothly.
Installing the new springs took more effort. I had to rapidly wind each spring clockwise multiple times using a tube of PVC for leverage, carefully avoiding getting pinched fingers. Gradually adding tension was key. Using a measuring tape, I ensured the new springs were at the right length markings before securing the ends. The door rose and fell with ease again once complete.
While physically taxing, it was empowering to successfully tackle such an intimidating repair myself. A few close calls had my heart racing, but with patience and care, I overcame the challenges. Overall, the project took about 4 hours versus waiting who-knows-how-long and paying big bucks to a pro. While I’d still recommend a technician like Garage Door Spring Repair in Richmond for larger installations or irregular issues, basic spring replacements are totally doable for homeowners. Just take all necessary safety precautions and go slowly. With the money I saved, my wife and I treated ourselves to a nice dinner out – a reward well-earned!
Now when other garage door issues pop up, I feel more confident trying a DIY repair before calling in the cavalry. Basic maintenance and small fixes can go a long way to keeping an older system running smoothly. Being handy also means I’ll never get stuck waiting for a repair professional. The sense of pride from learning a new skill definitely makes the effort worthwhile too. I’m looking forward to tackling more projects around the house on my own terms from now on.

Meet Jack, our garage guru. With a wrench in one hand and a can-do attitude in the other, he’s your go-to expert for all things repair and replacement.